
What is VR Marker SDK?

VR Marker is a SDK that lets you create your own 360 and virtual reality tours. It was created and it's maintained by iStaging. It requires minimum configuration.


Panoramic tours: Generate 360 based with your own content and settings. Virtual reality tours: Enable users to have experiences using their phones and VR glasses. Camera and VR settings: Customize your tours based on a series of configuration values.

We provide KRPano and A-Frame viewers, but we suggest you buy a KRPano license (our sample uses the free KRPano version which has watermarks. You can still use the A-Frame version with some basic functionality.

The SDK is divided in two parts: the JavaScript UI and the Node.js server.

An API key is needed to run the project.

In order to run a complete project: a. Download our full example from our Github Page. or b. Include our NPM package in your site and following these instructions to connect your project to your own node server.

After setting up the domain option in your config , you will

front end js key sample project vs using own node server node server hostname

Last updated