Getting started



Choose Krpano or A-frame as your panorama viewer and include its script (it should be placed before vrmaker-sdk.js).

If you want to use Krpano as your viewer, you can use the free version with watermark to demo. Otherwise, you need to purchase a Krpano license.

// purchase a KRPano license and use the paid version of the JS file in your project
<script type=text/javascript src="krpano.min.js"></script>

Then import vrmaker by es6 in your project.

import VRViewer from 'vrviewer'

Or use VR Maker SDK cdn include it in your project:

<script src=""></script>

Finally, initialize the VRMaker object (don't forget do create a div with an id):

  <div id="vrviewer"></div>

var vrviewer = new VRViewer()
  el: '#vrviewer-sdk',
  lang: 'zh-cn',
  panoCollection: fakePanoCollection,
  panoramas: fakePanoramas,
  setting: {
    autoRotateSetting: {
      active: true,
      revert: false,
      rotateDuration: 200000,
      restartTime: 20000
    gyroSetting: {
      active: false
    krpanoSetting: {
      mwheel: true,
      focus: false
    tripodSetting: {
      image: '',
      size: 60

You can also hard-code the panorama Array. For example:

panoramas: [{
  panoramaId: '1',
  panoramaName: 'a', 
  panoramaIndex: 0
  downloadLink: 'example.png',
  panoramaRotation: 0
}, {
  panoramaId: '2',
  // etc ...



Clone and check it in examples / src folder.

npm install

npm start

// You can also check webpack dev server
npm run dev

Live example

Last updated